Significance Testing

From the Decision Science News Blog:“About two years ago, I was a reasonable person who argued that tests of statistical significance were useful in some limited situations. After completing research for “Significance tests harm progress in forecasting” in the...

Death Penalty and Causality

The Social Science Statistics Blog has an interesting article discussing a recent paper on the death penalty and whether it has a deterrent effect on crime (specifically murder). Here is an excerpt:since 1960, will find that homicide rates went up when the death...

Telluride Festival of Nothing

The town of Telluride has a festival of nothing coming in July:1. Sunrises and Sunsets as normal 2. Gravity will continue to be in effect. 3. The earth’s rotation will be increased to add a few thrills. 4. The laws of physics will be on...

Presidental Candidate’s Value is a prediction market. An interesting market that they cover is the value of presidential candidates. You can currently purchase a contract for Barack Obama that costs around $30. If he wins the Democratic nomination, then the owner of the contract gets...