Publication Bias and Diagoras

From the Social Science and Statistics Blog:Diagoras was the original atheist and free thinker. …In the context of publication bias, his contribution is shown in a story of his visit to a votive temple on the Aegean island of Samothrace. Those who escaped from...

Ben Franklin’s Virtues (recycled)

Recycled blog from December 2006:Benjamin Franklin at the age of 20 created a self-improvement project. He sought to cultivate his character by attempting to follow thirteen virtues. His autobiography lists his thirteen virtues: 1. “TEMPERANCE. Eat not to...

Possibly Harmful Psychological Treatments

From Scott Lilienfeld in the March 2007 Perspectives on Psychological Science:The phrase primum non nocere (“first, do no harm”) is a wellaccepted credo of the medical and mental health professions. Although emerging data indicate that several...

Sex Roles

From the Freakonomics Blog:A study by University of Toronto assistant professor of organizational behavior Jennifer Berdahl found that, contrary to the conventional belief that a woman’s acting “feminine” in the workplace leads to sexual harassment, just the opposite...

Self-Reports of Happiness

A paper by Alan Krueger and David Schkade discusses the reliability of self-report measures of well-being. ABSTRACT This paper studies the test-retest reliability of a standard self-reported life satisfaction measure and of affect measures collected from a diary...