Archive of Norms, Stimuli, and Data

The Psychonomic Society Archive of Norms, Stimuli, and Data is an excellent resource for students looking for research tools. There are stimuli such as word lists. There are statistical macros. There are also preexisting programs to replicate previous...

The Value of Allen Iverson

With all the talk of trading Allen Iverson, it reminded me of an interesting book review by Malcolm Gladwell. The book, The Wages of Wins, was written by a group of economists. It uses regression analysis to determine how many wins each player is worth his team. As...

Perception Bias

The processing of the world is conducted through many levels. In humans, the first level of information processing is done through the senses. The ‘raw information’ is then processed and forms our mental image of the world. Cognitive biases are known to...
File Drawer Problem

File Drawer Problem

The File Drawer Problem is a publication bias in which results that are significant are published more that results that are not statistically significant. That is, non-significant findings end up in the file drawer. The file drawer problem can come from many sources....

Conjunction Fallacy

The conjunction fallacy is credited to the work of Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. It is a mistake that people make when they assume that a specific condition is more likely than a more general one. A specific event will have many conjoined events, while a single...

Taxi Cab Problem

In a study conducted by Tversky and Kahneman, participants were asked about the probability of a witness correctly identifying the right color of a cab that was in an accident. The participants were given the following information: A cab was involved in a hit and run...

Undervalued College Prospects

Slate magazine has an interesting article on how George Mason University attracts undervalued prospects in their economics department and on their basketball team. Here is a quote that summarizes much of their article:“GMU lacks the resources and reputation to recruit...

Urban Dictionary vs. Wikipedia

Wikipedia, an online community encyclopedia, is getting some competition from the Urban Dictionary. I can’t find Hasselhoffing on Wikipedia, but I can find it on the Urban Dictionary (It is the act of changing a colleagues desktop wallpaper to the image of David...

Stumbling on Choices

The gap between “declared preferences” (what you say you’ll do) and “expressed preferences” (what you actually do) … Sometimes we say we will do something with the full belief that we will do it. But as willing as the spirit may be, the flesh is often less...

Donald Rumsfeld or Rob Zombie?

Below are some quotes from Donald Rumsfeld and from Rob Zombie. Can you tell the difference?1) Great things come out of being hungry and cold.2) Learn to say “I don’t know.” If used when appropriate, it will be often.3)You can’t worry about a...